Covid19 – No Action is Too small!

When the Covid-19 emergency started, at first we were shocked like everyone else, so we reacted, restarted our business and planned the future, but at the same time something else grew in our conversation and during our daily online briefing.

First a vague idea, then a concrete need, in the end an urgency.
We had to do something !

Our CEO’s office is located in Milan, and therefore we deeply witness the spread of the disease among the population, the problems that our doctors are facing together with the nurses, and we couldn’t afford to look at this mess and not do it nothing .

Maybe we were going to be just a drop in an ocean, but it didn’t matter. We had to act.

Furthermore, as member of the MICE industries we strongly believe that our partners and clients share with us not only events, but a real community. Together we share emotions, experiences, moments and much of our time. So we looked for a way to involve that “community feeling” in our action.

Our boss Tiziana scouted around and found the PemCard project. It corresponds to all our ideas: being in contact with our “travel vocation“, staying in touch and sharing this important moment with our community and, more important, has made available a donation to those hospitals that are “out of the spotlight “of the media, and so are hardly destinatary of many fundraising campaigns.

As written above: we are aware that it could only be a drop in an ocean, but in the end are  actually the drops that made the oceans, even the one of hope!

If you’d like to check out who benefit of our donation just click here!

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